Refreshing Tokens#
JWTs come with a strict exp
(Expiration Time), which means that a long session might lead to multiple logouts and 401 Authentication
errors. To mitigate such behavior, refresh tokens are employed to facilitate the generation of additional access tokens without requiring the user to log in again.
Implicit refresh with Cookies#
The most common way to refresh tokens is by using cookies. When the access token expires, the client sends a request to the server with the refresh token stored in a cookie. The server then generates a new access token and sends it back to the client in the response.
Cookies are not supported in all environments, such as mobile applications, SDKs, or APIs. In such cases, you may need to implement an explicit refresh mechanism.
Work in progress: This feature needs to be documented.
Explicit Refresh#
In cases where implicit refresh isn't feasible—such as in mobile applications, SDKs, or APIs—you may need to explicitly declare the refresh logic in your application.
To implement an explicit refresh mechanism, you need to create a new route that accepts the refresh token and returns a new access token. This route should be protected by the refresh_token_required
dependency, which will verify the refresh token and extract the payload.
The refresh token should be stored securely on the client side, and the route should be protected by HTTPS to prevent tampering.
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException, Request
from authx import AuthX, TokenPayload
app = FastAPI()
security = AuthX()
class LoginForm(BaseModel):
username: str
password: str
class RefreshForm(BaseModel):
refresh_token: str'/login')
def login(data: LoginForm):
if data.username == "test" and data.password == "test":
access_token = security.create_access_token(data.username)
refresh_token = security.create_refresh_token(data.username)
return {
"access_token": access_token,
"refresh_token": refresh_token
raise HTTPException(401, "Bad username/password")'/refresh')
async def refresh(request: Request, refresh_data: RefreshForm = None):
Refresh endpoint - creates a new access token using a refresh token
Can accept the refresh token either:
1. In the Authorization header
2. In the request body as JSON
# First try to get the refresh token from the Authorization header
refresh_payload = await security.refresh_token_required(request)
except Exception as header_error:
if not refresh_data or not refresh_data.refresh_token:
# If we don't have a token in either place, raise the original error
raise header_error
# Manually decode and verify the refresh token
token = refresh_data.refresh_token
refresh_payload = security.verify_token(
# Create a new access token
access_token = security.create_access_token(refresh_payload.sub)
return {"access_token": access_token}
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail=str(e))
@app.get('/protected', dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def protected():
return "You have access to this protected resource"
In this example, the /refresh
route accepts a refresh token either from the Authorization header or from the request body. Once verified, it generates a new access token to extend the session.
This example provides a flexible implementation of an explicit refresh mechanism. In a production scenario, you might want to retrieve the current access token to revoke it, thereby avoiding the generation of an infinite number of valid access tokens.
As demonstrated in the final steps, the refreshing mechanism enables the acquisition of new tokens without the need for re-authentication, using either the Authorization header or the request body.